Saturday, August 05, 2006

Hot Blonde Heiresses

Blonde Heiresses

So who are the hottest heiresses these days? picked ten of our favorites rich girls including several models and business executives, a TV star and an award-winning equestrian. At we favor the blonde heiresses.
Pictured are some of our favorite Blonde heiresses who are born to inherit much bigger fortunes than most and none seems to be hurting financially. Twenty-two year-old Amanda Hearst's reported yearly maintenance cost, which includes spending on clothes, makeup and vacations, is $136,360.
In the working-blonde heiresses camp are Ivanka Trump, Donald's daughter, who is vice president of real estate development at the Trump Organization. Paris Hilton earned $7 million last year, mostly through licensing deals attaching her famous name to a watches, perfumes, videogames and nightclubs. Amanda Hearst makes some extra spending money modeling.
Also listed were our favorite brunette heiress sisters, Dylan Lauren owner of "Dylan Candy Bar Store" and daughter of fashion designer Ralph Lauren. Aerin Lauder, age 36 of the famed cosmetic company, Estee Lauder. Geogina Bloomberg age 23, champion equestrian rider and the daughter of New York City Mayor. Society fun girl Anna Annusmova age 21 the daughter of Russian metals magnate Vassily Anisimov. Any heiress who drops $600,000 to rent a house in the Hamptons this summer, on top of a combined $950,000 spent the previous two summers is on our A list of fun heiresses!
The eldest of our favorite brunette heiresses, the daughter of French billion Gerard Louis-Dreyfus, Julia Louis Dreyfus is age 45 and is best known as the Emmy- and Golden Globe Award-winning Seinfeld actress who played Elaine. This summer, she received an Emmy nomination for her latest sitcom, The New Adventures of Old Christine.
Society pages will always be filled with blonde heiresses more content to let their PDA do the shopping for them. At we make a billionaire heiress's life simpler with just a click.
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