Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Flying In Style

Now this is called flying in Style. A Chanel jet, your have to love it!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The New Hot Blonde Heiress

Sir Richard Branson's daughter, Holy Branson, 25, has caught the fancy of Prince Williams who split from his girlfriend of four years Kate Middleton earlier this month. Holly Branson is described as fun-loving and is studying medicine. Her brother Sam, 21, and her are both part of the young Royals' set.

Thanks to her charm, wealth (Branson is worth £3billion, dwarfing the Queen's £320 million) and lifestyle, the blonde heiress Holly Branson has achieved the sort of social kudos that has always eluded her father. She recently spent the night in the West End nightclub Mahiki with the newly single Prince.

Dressed in a tiny white skirt and with her naturally curly hair blown straight, she had several dances with him during a jolly night fuelled by champagne and peach cocktails. They flirted, poking their tongues out at each other and where hot on fire, but left separately at around 3am. Should we take bets that this blonde heiress will become Princess William's next girlfriend? At we bet Yes on this HOT blonde heiress.